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How to Create Award-Winning Showhomes

As London showhome interior designers, our talented design team knows everything about creating a desirable living space. If you’re looking to wow the right client with a dream viewing, read on as our designers share their trade secrets for award-winning showhome designs.

‘’Showhome designs should be impactful and also memorable.’’

- Alice Milnes, Lead Interior Designer

International Property Awards 2020-2021 - Beckton Parkside

International Design & Architecture Awards 2020 (shortlisted) - Beckton Parkside & Lion Wharf

When it comes to memorable showhome designs, one of the best things you can do is make sure you get the impact as soon as you open that door. Sometimes people get so caught up in whether everything works and that it ties in, they overlook that initial make or break situation. Remember, potential buyers are viewing up to twenty properties in a day, so yours has got to stand out and don’t be too afraid to take a risk. You can always tone something back if the feedback’s not great, but you can’t wow them if you play it too safe.

Another critical factor for me is to create something real and a place where people can visualise themselves living. For instance, is the sofa comfortably placed, or does it block the TV? You still have to consider the realistic elements even to make a memorable showhome. Long-life pieces are also key in showhome interior designs, so the decor can be easily changed without replacing too much. A good example is the Blue Note project - take away the bright paint, and you’re left with an adaptable scheme that taps into the idea of ‘when can I move in?’

Showhome Design

showhome interior designs

Beckton Parkside

‘’Good design is effortless for better wellbeing.’

- Ashley Baker, Senior Interior Designer

International Property Awards 2020-2021 - Madeira Tower

To create aspirational showhome interior designs, it’s important to have an ideal client in mind. Ultimately, when they walk into a space, you want them to immediately relate and envision themselves living there. Creating a ‘happy space’ is also a major key factor, and so I tend not to squeeze in too much furniture to get the right balance. A well-designed space evokes emotions like joy, and we want to attract plenty of those positive thoughts. For instance, my Madeira Tower project was for a private client, a young female in her early-mid 20s. She loved feminine pinks but didn’t want it to look overkill, so it was a balance of introducing colour in the right way.

Good design should also feel effortless, appeal to most, and not be overbearing for better wellbeing. When it comes to styling, using recognisable brands builds familiarity and this is known as the mere-exposure effect. We tend to develop a preference for things we recognise most, also sometimes known as the familiarity principle. When taken into consideration in showhome designs, this psychological phenomenon can further boost wellness in general.

Madeira Tower

‘’I love storytelling in my showhome designs.’’

- Gemma Pope, Senior Interior Designer

International Property Awards 2019-2020 - Explorer’s Wharf

First Time Buyers Award 2020 - Explorer’s Wharf

OPAL Awards 2020 – The Meadows

First Time Buyers Awards 2021 (shortlisted) - Levett Fields

Award-winning showhome interior designs, to me, begin with a story that takes the buyer on a journey. The ideal is for them to imagine their life in this spot and completely associating it with the space, and it begins by researching the history of the area. Next, I consider what kind of people they’ll be, from careers to age, and focus on how the showhome will fit their individual story. Everything I select in the design must correlate somehow from the headboard fabric to the luxury products in the bathroom.

My favourite part of creating new showhome designs is sourcing the accessories, as this is where I can have fun with the story I’ve written. I also enjoy choosing aspirational brands, like Chanel, to be placed in the home - any that allude to luxury and something special.

Explorer's Wharf

‘’It’s important everything works together in unison.’’

- Freya Reed, Senior Interior Designer

To me, showhome interior designs are a careful balance between lifestyle aspiration, creativity and curiosity. As designers, we need to anticipate the objective, what the developer is trying to achieve and develop an overall aesthetic that would appeal to prospective buyers. Next comes a whole host of considerations such as spatial planning, different zone layouts, and natural light. It’s essential to always keep in mind the potential end-user and how they would live - we want everything working together in unison.

I’m also a big fan of Biophilic Design, and I think, particularly in London, it’s good to recognise the property both inside and out. Making sure light and air easily flow and introducing houseplants can all help with mindfulness and relaxation.

London showhome designers - contact INVESTA to discuss a project

To see more of our award-winning showhome designs visit our portfolio or If you’re looking to make that all-important first impression count, contact our team to discuss a project with us.

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